Monday 26 March 2012


All fired up ready for the weekend then late Friday morning…it happened. Not sure exactly how. Stupidity? Lack of concentration? Creeping age and infirmity?

I bit my tongue.

When I related this tale to Strangelove the Producer he nearly fainted. He is not very good with this sort of stuff which may explain why he opted for this line of work rather than nursing.

Although the two fields are similar; in the case of broadcasting you are nursing huge monstrous but fragile egos.

A nasty ulcer sprang up and everything became difficult and painful.

Frythay nighth. Dark Lathy and I stayed and wathed a couple of Thee-V-Thees.

However, Sathuthay wasth the big thay.

Early we theth off for Glothsterthire to see friendth.

Lovely lunth. Although I founth it thifficult to eat.

Thame, really the footh was wuntherful.

In the evening we met thome other frienth anth hethed for a bar in Lunthun’s Hampthed to thee Edwina Hayes. You may remember thee thang a thong at our wething latht Dethember.

Capathity crowd in the Barth’s bathement. Thee was in fine voyth and altho very funny.

We had a tharriffick evening and thtayed up longer than we intenthed. We were rather wiped out on Thunday do did very lithlle.

Luckily the Bonjella was beginning to work ith magic. Tho by bethtime I wath nearly thpeaking normally again.

However, as you know from the show: clear diction is no guarantee of a trouble free show!

1 comment:

Slyppery Syd said...

Oooohhhh arrrrggghhhh .... that sounds painful.
Must listen again to the show - could be a little entertaining (more so than usual - wink). Ha ha ha ha.
I can laugh ... I have fangs! he he.
Hissss hisssss